[Cisco Live] SDN controller interview

The original name of this video is “SDN controller DEMO”. I think the “demo” word there is a bit inappropriate used, as actually is more like a Cisco marketing video than demo. Don’t be so surprised, you know how Cisco promote their products.

Just my 2 cents about the SDN/OpenFlow trend that is coming up these days. I don’t mind innovation, I’m glad if and when I can get in contact with new technologies, but what disturb me is that in a lot of presentations that I’ve seen until now, SDN is presented like the magic wand that does everything with point and click.
No knowledge needed, no network understanding, no effort to see where or how the packets travel through network, you just have to point and click, slice the network however you want, plug the toy and you’re ready to go. If this is all true, then someone please explain to me with I’m busting my…head to learn and really understand what’s actually going on in the network. I really hope this kind of presentations implies that this is a new product that needs to be promoted and if they make it sound too complex, nobody will buy it.

Disclaimer: This video is not mine and I don’t claim any rights on it. My thanks go to Jimmy Ray Purse, TechWiseTV, Networking 101 Show, Cisco and last but not least to YouTube for hosting it and let us embed this video.

Virtual WAN Optimization – Blue Coat presentation

Chris Webber from Blue Coat Systems describe the concept of virtualing WAN Optimization and WAN Acceleration systems. Of course that, since Blue Coat Systems is involved, you can consider this video presentation a little bit of marketing strategy, but if you think to this subject, all companies out there do the same. It’s somehow normal.

Skipping the marketing part, this is a good explanation about virtualized WAN Optimization and you can have an overall view of what this means and how it can be implemented. Information is always welcome, not matter from which source, so I would recommend you to spend 10 minutes and watch this video.

Brought to you by NetworkWorld.tv and FirstDigest

The difference between 3G and 4G


Excellent explanation about what is 3G and 4G, speed of the download  and different generation of wireless technologies by Craig Mathias.

Brought to you by NetworkWorld.tv and FirstDigest

The Cisco CRS-3 Carrier Routing System

On March 9, 2010 Cisco announced the Cisco® CRS-3 Carrier Routing System (CRS) designed to serve as the foundation of the next-generation Internet and set the pace for the astonishing growth of video transmission, mobile devices and new online services through this decade and beyond.

With more than 12 times the traffic capacity of the nearest competing system, the Cisco CRS-3 is designed to transform the broadband communication and entertainment industry by accelerating the delivery of compelling new experiences for consumers, new revenue opportunities for service providers, and new ways to collaborate in the workplace.

Check below the amazing features of this device which can support for sure the future technologies:

Defining Scalability

  • Total capacity of up to 322 Tbps – 13 times the competition
  • Proven multichassis architecture with 3-stage fabric
  • Tried and tested QuantumFlow Array chipset to help prevent bottlenecks

Defining Core and Data Center Services

  • Built-in service intelligence allows the network and cloud to work as one
  • Multi-directional capabilities handle traffic between data centers and from core to subscriber
  • Cloud VPNs automate network connectivity

Defining Cost Savings

  • Lower cost per Gbps – uses up to 40% power of competitors
  • Optional modular power system that grows with capacity
  • Smart design uses the existing CRS-1 chassis and many components, requiring only fabric and line card upgrade

Traffic capacity / module:

Introducing the Cisco CRS-3 Carrier Routing System by Mr. John Chambers:

[stream provider=youtube flv=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DZfZmRGI7u10 img=x:/img.youtube.com/vi/ZfZmRGI7u10/0.jpg embed=false share=false width=560 height=340 dock=false controlbar=bottom skin=imeo.swf bandwidth=high autostart=false /]

Cisco CRS-3 Carrier Routing System presentation:

[stream provider=youtube flv=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DtOcAlD8XsSY img=x:/img.youtube.com/vi/tOcAlD8XsSY/0.jpg embed=false share=false width=560 height=340 dock=false controlbar=bottom skin=imeo.swf bandwidth=high autostart=false /]

Cisco IP Routing Overview – Part IV

Fourth part from IP Routing Overview.

All this material is produced by RouteHub Group consultants, so all the copyrights and greetings have to be directed to them. If was free shared on the Internet so, I hope that I’m not breaking any copyright rules here. All that i want is to make this material more visible on the Internet. This is true also for the more to come materials from them.

If you are curious who is RouteHub Group, I have found this simple explanation on their site: RouteHub Group is a Premium Cisco Consulting provider of Cisco Products, Solutions, Training, and Professional Services for small, medium, and large-sized businesses.

[flv w=640 h=505]https://ipnet.xyz/vid/routehub/Cisco-IP-Routing-part4.flv[/flv]

Please find below:

1st part

2nd part

3rd part

of this presentation