Mikrotik L2TP with IPsec for mobile clients

I got some questions about how to configure Mikrotik to act as L2TP Server with IPsec encryption for mobile clients. I know this is not exactly in the line of this blog oriented on enterprise networks, but it’s network technology in the end so I’ll try to cover it here.

Before we start, please make sure that your Mikrotik build-in firewall is configured in such way that it can accept packets on the WAN interface. You can check my article on IPsec VPN Mikrotik to Cisco for firewall configuration.

Another important part is that I’m using RouterOS v6.24 in the below scenario. In earlier versions some configurations are a bit different, but you’ll figure it out as I will explain where is really important.

1. Add a new IP Pool

It’s not mandatory if you already have a IP Pool, but I assume you don’t and we need to add one.


IP > Pool

Add a new pool

Name: L2TP-Pool
Next Pool: None


/ip pool add name="L2TP-Pool" ranges=

L2TP Configuration

1. Configure L2TP Profile

Before adding a new L2TP Server, we need to add a new L2TP Profile. We can use also the default one, but I don’t like to mix things.


PPP > Profiles

Name: l2tp-profile
Local Address: L2TP-Pool
Remote Address: L2TP-Pool
DNS Server:
Change TCP MSS: yes
Use Encryption: required

The rest of values can be left on default value.


/ppp profile add name=l2tp-profile local-address=L2TP-Pool remote-address=L2TP-Pool use-encryption=required change-tcp-mss=yes dns-server=

2. Add a L2TP-Server


PPP > Interface > L2TP Server

Enabled: Checked
Max MTU: 1460
Max MRU: 1460
Keepalive Timeout: 30
Default Profile: mschap2
Use IPsec: Checked
IPsec Secret: MYKEY


/interface l2tp-server server set authentication=mschap2 default-profile=l2tp-profile enabled=yes ipsec-secret=MYKEY max-mru=1460 max-mtu=1460 use-ipsec=yes

3. Add PPP Secrets


PPP > Secrets

Enabled: Checked
Service: l2tp
Profile: l2tp-profile

Let the rest as default.


/ppp secret add name=MYUSER password=MYPASSWORD service=l2tp profile=l2tp-profile

IPsec Configuration

On IPsec configuration, you can use the default configuration (like Proposals) but I would suggest to let those as default and add your new ones. In case that you already have some IPsec configuration which is already working and using the default configuration we don’t want to mess with that.

1. IPsec Proposals


IPsec > Proposals

Enabled: Checked
Name: L2TP-Proposal
Auth. Algorithm: sha1
Encr. Algorithm: 3des, aes-256 cbc
PFS Group: none


/ip ipsec proposal add name=L2TP-Proposal auth-algorithms=sha1 enc-algorithms=3des,aes-256-cbc pfs-group=none

Something to mention here. In version previous than 6.xx, you can pick only one encryption algorithm, if I remember correctly. You cannot add multiple algorithms (like 3des and aes-256 above). If this is the case, be sure to stay with 3des. I know it offer less security, but for some reason I could not force Microsoft Windows to work on L2TP via aes-256.

2. IPsec Peers


IPsec > Peers

Enabled: Checked
Auth. Method: pre shared key
Secret: MYKEY
Policy Template Group: default
Exchange Mode: main l2tp
Send Initial Contact: Checked
NAT Traversal: Checked
My ID: auto
Proposal check: obey
Hash Algorithm: sha1
Encryption Algorithm: 3des, aes-256
DH Group: modp1024
Generate policy: port override


/ip ipsec peer add address= port=500 auth-method=pre-shared-key secret="MYKEY" generate-policy=port-override exchange-mode=main-l2tp
 send-initial-contact=yes nat-traversal=yes hash-algorithm=sha1 enc-algorithm=3des,aes-256 dh-group=modp1024


The value of the Secret field above, MUST be the same as in L2TP Configuration, Step 2.
Also, if your RouterOS support only one encryption algorithm, then pick 3des.

3. IPsec Policies


Enabled: Checked
Src. Address: ::/0
Dst. Address: ::/0
Protocol: 255(all)
Template: Checked
Group: default
Action: encrypt
Level: require
IPsec Protocols: esp
Tunnel: Not checked
SA Src. Address:
SA Dsr. Address:
Proposal: L2TP-Proposal


/ip ipsec policy add src-address=::/0 dst-address=::/0 protocol=all template=yes group=default action=encrypt level=require ipsec-protocols=esp tunnel=no sa-src-address= sa-dst-address= proposal=L2TP-Proposal

Below, I’ll add two examples how to configure the iPhone and Microsoft Windows to work with the above configuration.


Go to Settings, VPN section and Add VPN Configuration…

It will look like this:

iPhone L2TP Configuration

The Server is the public IP address or FQDN of your Mikrotik. Account and Password are the one defined in L2TP Configuration Step 3. (MYUSER and MYPASSWORD in the example above). Secret , is the IPsec Secret Key defined in L2TP Configuration Step 2. and IPsec Configuration Step 2. (MYKEY in the example).

PC with Microsoft Windows

1. Add a new VPN connection

Add New VPN Connection

2. Pick the option Use my Internet connection

Chose VPN type

3. Add Mikrotik L2TP Server details

Add L2TP Mikrotik details

4. Add the user and password

Add L2TP user

Add this point Windows 7 force me to hit Connect. I will not work yet. Please follow the next steps.

You need to reach the Properties of your new VPN connection.

5. Configure the VPN Security settings.

Be sure to have the settings like in image below, to force encryption and use mschap2 protocol.

L2TP VPN Security

6. Set the IPsec Secret key

Hit the Advanced button and set the IPsec key

L2TP IPsec Key

Hit Connect and it will work. If you have questions please be sure to add them to Comments.

IPsec VPN Mikrotik to Linux

After writing the Mikrotik IPsec VPN article and I got some questions about how Mikrotik will work with a Linux device to build an IPsec VPN. I did notice that the questions were more oriented for a copy / paste solution, so I’ll provide one that it’s working. If you need more details about why the solution is like it this, please let me know.
Also don’t forget to customize the solution as you need.

I’ll start with the same topology like in the last post, just that the right side now it’s a Linux device.


Please consider the minimum ports needed to be open on your firewall from my earlier article. Just don’t forget to open these ports also on the Linux device.

First let’s configure the Mikrotik.

The IPsec Proposal


ip ipsec proposal add name=MyProposal auth-algorithms=sha1 enc-algorithms=aes-256-cbc pfs-group=none


IP > IPsec > Proposals

Name: MyProposal
Auth. Algorithm: sha1
Encr. Algorithm: aes-256 cbc
PFS Group: none

The IPsec Policy


ip ipsec policy add src-address= dst-address= protocol=all action=encrypt level=require ipsec-protocols=esp tunnel=yes sa-src-address= sa-dst-address= proposal=MyProposal


IP > IPsec > Policies

Protocol: all
Action: Encrypt
Level: require
IPsec protocols: esp
Tunnel: check
Proposal: MyProposal

The IPsec Peer


ip ipsec peer add address= port=500 auth-method=pre-shared-key secret=my_preshared_key exchange-mode=main send-initial-contact=yes nat-traversal=yes proposal-check=obey hash-algorithm=sha1 enc-algorithm=3des,aes-128 dh-group=modp1024 generate-policy=no


IP > IPsec > Peers

Port: 500
Auth. Method: pre shared key
Passive: not checked
Secret: my_preshared_key
Policy Template Group: default
Exchange mode: main
Send Initial Contact: checked
NAT Traversal: checked
My ID: Auto - empty
Proposal Check: obey
Hash Algorithm: sha1
Encryptions Algorithm: 3des aes-128
DH Group: modp1024
Generate policy: no

Now, the Linux part. I’m using Ubuntu, but I’m not going to advocate here for one flavour or another. So, just use any device with Linux or you try solutions such as Amazon AWS. Install Openswan (compile it from source or install via your Linux flavour package system).

The main file for Openswan is ipsec.conf. For me this file is in /etc, but I assume it can reside in another location.

For the above example, the ipsec.conf file looks like this:

version 2.0

# basic configuration
config setup

# Add connections here
conn mikrotik-to-linux

You need to associate the keyword “left” with “local” and “right” with “remote” and it will be easier to read the configuration above.

Also in the /etc location I have another file called ipsec.secrets which has the pre-shared secret key: : PSK "my_preshared_key"

This is the minimal configuration that I need to apply to have the IPsec VPN up and running. I’m sure that it can be fine tuned to add more security or features, but that is not in scope of this post.

As always if you have problems please let me know in Comments.

Mikrotik IPsec VPN

If you did not hear yet about Mikrotik I can’t say I blame you. Not exactly something you’ll find in SOHO network shops next to brand like TP-Link, Linksys or Netgear. Mikrotik is a company
in Latvia that produce network hardware under the name of RouterBOARD. The devices are excellent and the RouterOS support an amazing amount of feature for a SOHO product.

As recently I did develop a small VPN network based on IPsec and using Mikrotik RB951G-2HnD platform, I had the idea to put together a short how to for the enthusiast out there who wants to try these products. Now, I’m not saying that this is the best or the only approach, but it’s a start from which you can develop your own fine tuned solution.

Let’s assume that we have the following topology:


The idea is to build a VPN using IPsec technology between the two routers. The RouterOS version is 6.23, so earlier versions may not support all features described here, but I’ll try to point this where is the case.

As some people are more comfortable with GUI and others with CLI, I’ll describe both methods. If you are following this blog post, I assume that you are already a bit familiar with RouterOS and your Mikrotik device is connected at least to Internet.

In this example I’ll focus on the left side of the diagram. The right side is configured in the same way.

Before going into the real IPsec configuration, please be sure to have the following ports open on your Mikrotik firewall:

500/UDP - Internet Key Exchange (IKE)

4500/UDP - NAT Traversal, when NAT it's in use

IP Proto 50 - Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)

IP Proto 51 - Authentication Header (AH)

You may not use these protocols after following this blog post, but it’s OK to have them open if you want to experiment. They can be closed later after you decide what to use, but we don’t want this as a blocking point and force us into troubleshooting.

You can allow the following ports into Mikrotik firewall as follow into CLI:

ip firewall filter add chain=input proto=ipsec-ah action=accept place-before=0
ip firewall filter add chain=input proto=ipsec-esp action=accept place-before=0
ip firewall filter add chain=input proto=udp port=500 action accept place-before=0
ip firewall filter add chain=input proto=udp port=4500 action accept place-before=0

The place-before=0 is to force the rule on the top of your Input table.

On GUI, check the

IP > Firewall > Filter Rules > Input table

Another thing to remember if you’re using NAT like in the picture above is that the LAN subnets have to be allowed to communicate directly, before they are pass to masquerade rule.


ip firewall nat add chain=srcnat src-address= dst-address= action=accept place-before=0


IP > Firewall > NAT

Let’s start now with the IPsec configuration part.

First let’s define a new IPsec Proposal policy. There is a default one which comes preconfigured but I would like to use my own.


ip ipsec proposal add name=MyProposal auth-algorithms=sha1 enc-algorithms=aes-256-cbc pfs-group=none


IP > IPsec > Proposals

Name: MyProposal
Auth. Algorithm: sha1
Encr. Algorithm: aes-256 cbc
PFS Group: none

As mentioned earlier in this post, depending on your RouterOS version, you can have here different options. Just pick what suits your needs.

Next we need to define an IPsec Policy.


ip ipsec policy add src-address= dst-address= protocol=all action=encrypt level=require ipsec-protocols=esp tunnel=yes sa-src-address= sa-dst-address= proposal=MyProposal


IP > IPsec > Policies

Protocol: all
Action: Encrypt
Level: require
IPsec protocols: esp
Tunnel: check
Proposal: MyProposal

I think that settings are obvious, just be careful to correctly pick the sources (SRC ADDR and SA SRC). The SRC values are from local site while the DST part has to be the remote site.

Last we need to define a least one IPsec Peer


ip ipsec peer add address= port=500 auth-method=pre-shared-key secret=my_preshared_key exchange-mode=main send-initial-contact=yes nat-traversal=yes proposal-check=obey hash-algorithm=sha1 enc-algorithm=3des,aes-128 dh-group=modp1024 generate-policy=no


IP > IPsec > Peers

Port: 500
Auth. Method: pre shared key
Passive: not checked
Secret: my_preshared_key
Policy Template Group: default
Exchange mode: main
Send Initial Contact: checked
NAT Traversal: checked
My ID: Auto - empty
Proposal Check: obey
Hash Algorithm: sha1
Encryptions Algorithm: 3des aes-128
DH Group: modp1024
Generate policy: no

Be careful that if you are on version RouterOS 5.xx (just as an example) the Encryptions Algorithm field supports only one value and not multiple like configured above. I did especially to highlight that there are differences depending on the RouterOS version. Nevertheless the baseline for IPsec VPN configuration remains the same.

If you have questions or something does not work as explained please let me know in Comments.

Cisco 2600: How many IPv4 prefixes can fit in BGP table

Today I wanted to try and see how many IPv4 prefixes can a Cisco 2600 accommodate in BGP table both global and in VRF table. I have lying around a Cisco 2621XM with 64MB of RAM, so I said to stress it a bit like in the old days when it was productive.

I did use the bgp_simple tool to test with the latest full Internet prefixes table (dated 2013.03.09). For those of you not familiar with bgp_simple, it’s a script capable of BGP peering and route injection. I would recommend to check the script webpage as it’s an awesome tool.

First, I did use the Global table to store all BGP prefixes. The router issued a %SYS-2-MALLOCFAIL error after receiving 44791 prefixes and few seconds later it dropped the BGP neighborship peering.

BB1#sh ip bgp sum | b Nei
Neighbor        V    AS MsgRcvd MsgSent   TblVer  InQ OutQ Up/Down  State/PfxRcd   4 65000 1194845      95  1181910  360    0 00:10:57    44791
*Feb 10 21:22:49.383: %SYS-2-MALLOCFAIL: Memory allocation of 65536 bytes failed from 0x8006A11C, alignment 0 
Pool: Processor  Free: 64176  Cause: Not enough free memory 
Alternate Pool: None  Free: 0  Cause: No Alternate pool 
 -Process= "BGP Router", ipl= 0, pid= 32 -Traceback= 0x8119EA40 0x80057D14 0x80059F18 0x8005A75C 0x8006A120 0x8006AE9C 0x8192D52C 0x80DFDD34 0x80DFE708 0x80DFF60C 0x82BA5A60 0x80DFF6E4 0x80DD8694 0x802435AC 0x80246CB0
*Feb 10 21:23:00.395: %BGP-5-ADJCHANGE: neighbor Down No memory
*Feb 10 21:23:00.515: %BGP-3-NOTIFICATION: sent to neighbor 3/1 (update malformed) 0 bytes 
BB1# FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF 0037 0200 0000 1C40 0101 0040 020E 0206 FDE8 9465 12EC 1D31 00D1 5821 4003 04C0 A8B6 0117 433F E0

For second test I did create VRF A and the BGP neighborship was established over an interface in that VRF, so all prefixes injected by bgp_simple arrived in the VRF table. This time it took only 33321 prefixes for the router to spit an error and drop the BGP connection.

BB1#sh ip bgp vpnv4 vrf A sum | b Nei
Neighbor        V    AS MsgRcvd MsgSent   TblVer  InQ OutQ Up/Down  State/PfxRcd   4 65000  439682      31   323732  534    0 00:09:24    33321
*Feb 10 21:37:22.323: %SYS-2-MALLOCFAIL: Memory allocation of 2920 bytes failed from 0x8006A11C, alignment 0 
Pool: Processor  Free: 8584  Cause: Memory fragmentation 
Alternate Pool: None  Free: 0  Cause: No Alternate pool 
 -Process= "BGP Router", ipl= 0, pid= 32 -Traceback= 0x8119EA40 0x80057D14 0x80059F18 0x8005A75C 0x8006A120 0x8006AE9C 0x80DEB7B0 0x80DCC800 0x80E3DCC8 0x80E3B62C 0x80E2A244 0x80E2AE30 0x80DD0B14 0x80DD7F08 0x802435AC
*Feb 10 21:37:31.011: %BGP-5-ADJCHANGE: neighbor vpn vrf A Down No memory
*Feb 10 21:37:31.251: %BGP-3-NOTIFICATION: sent to neighbor 3/1 (update malformed) 0 bytes 
BB1#sh ip bgp vpnv4 vrf A sum | b Nei FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF 0052 0200 0000 3740 0101 0040 020A 0204 FDE8 2236 1AAE 18B7 4003 04C0 A8B6 01C0 081C 18B7 03E9 18B7 A028 1AAE 3E80 1AAE 3F6A 1AAE 59D9 1AAE 89EA 2236 1AAE 1440 3B90

For those of you curious about why it took less prefixes to exhaust memory in VRF vs non-VRF, the reason is that in VRF you have more memory consumption per IPv4 prefix. Ivan Pepelnjak explained it very well in his blog post about running Internet in VRF.

I’ll check what other old Cisco routers I have around to see their BGP table limit.

MSFC, PFC and DFC on Cisco 6500 series

If you are in routing and switching industry, it’s almost impossible not to hear words like MSFC, PFC and DFC in relation with Cisco Catalyst 6500 series, chassis, supervisor and modules. If you didn’t yet, you’re not almost there, working with large enterprise environments.

Even if I see an increasing use of Nexus switches, C65k are and will still play an important role in next few years. I know that there will be voices out there standing that 6500 series is almost EoL. Nevertheless, this rumors where there also 4-5 years ago. My point is that you should know something about this platform and MSFC, PFC and DFC are playing an important role.

Anyway what are this acronyms?

MSFC (Multilayer Switch Feature Card)

Multilayer Switch Feature Card is the Layer 3 switching engine that sites on the Catalyst Supervisor as a daughter card. The MSFC is an integral part of the Supervisor Engine, providing high performance, multilayer switching and routing intelligence

PFC (Policy Feature Card)

The PFC provides the necessary ASICs to perform hardware-based Layer 3 switching, quality of service (QoS) classification, and access control list (ACL) filtering.

DFC (Distributed Feature Card)

The Distributed Feature Card (DFC) allows fabric-enabled line cards to make L3 forwarding decisions locally without requiring the L3 switching engine located on the Supervisor PFC. The DFC consists of the same components as the PFC located on the Supervisor module, however it does not contain the MSFC routing engine

This is the basic explanation for those three words, but it does not say to much, isn’t it? For more details please see the article of Sunil Khanna on Understanding MSFC, PFC and DFC roles in Catalyst 6500 Series Switch. It’s very short, comprehensive and give you a very good starting point to understand what each component does inside a C6500 series.