This post is rather for the beginners in Cisco’s world than for advance professionals, but still I encounter situation when IOS image was corrupted even if it was uploaded to the device by a network guru. Why? It’s quite simple! Because you can be the master of the Cisco networking, but still sometime you cannot control the device behavior or the transport of the packets to destination.
The problems is that in case of a corrupted IOS image being uploaded on a Cisco device, and having that device reloaded you can run into situation when it will not boot up anymore. When the device is in front of you, or on your desk, there is not a problem, because you can troubleshoot, find the issue (e.g wrong or corrupted IOS image) and solve it! But, what if your device is at 5000 km distance, it is 3:00 AM and you have no professional help on that location?! That’s one ugly situation and the reason for which I always insist to verify the IOS image after it is uploaded and ready to go into production.
For those of you who are dealing with this stuff everyday, this post may seem like a joke, but I bet that there are out there IT’s which never check this stuff or they are beginners and don’t know how to do it. It’s more simple that you may think it is, make you spend about 4-5 minutes for a full check, but can spare you for bigger problems in the future.
So, what are the 4 steps:
1. Check what Cisco device you have (to know what IOS image you need)
2. Check what IOS image Cisco device has (to know what IOS release to download)
3. Verify the IOS image
4. Check the results of your verification
As simplest as it can get.
Please check the tutorial by clicking the image below:
For those who cannot see a Flash movie, please read this text file, that consist of the command you should perform for IOS checking.