Cisco switches and smartport macros

Smartport macros are not more than some templates you can define on Cisco switches that will apply the same configuration on multiple ports. It’s not a subject that needs too many discussions, but it can be useful for your Cisco certification preparation or real life Cisco switch administration.

Configuration is very simple and it goes something like this:

macro name ACCESS-PORT
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 6
switchport voice vlan 7
spanning-tree portfast
spanning-tree bpdufilter enable

After this you apply the macro to a port or a range of ports:

interface range fa0/1 - 6
macro apply ACCESS-PORT

That’s it :)

A less known fact is that Cisco switches are having some predefined smartport macros, which can be really helpful. The smartport macros which you configure can be spotted with a simple “show running-config” command. This is not the case for the default smartport macros which cannot be seen in the running-config, so you may not be aware that they exist.

The default smartport macros can be seen using the following commands:

SW1#show parser macro brief
    default global   : cisco-global
    default interface: cisco-desktop
    default interface: cisco-phone
    default interface: cisco-switch
    default interface: cisco-router
    default interface: cisco-wireless

This will show you only a summary of the default smartport macros. If you want to see what are they configure to do, check the following command:

SW1# show parser macro
Total number of macros = 7
Macro name : cisco-global
Macro type : default global
# Enable dynamic port error recovery for link state failures.
errdisable recovery cause link-flap
errdisable recovery interval 60
# Config Cos to DSCP mappings
mls qos map cos-dscp 0 8 16 24 32 46 46 56
# Enable aggressive mode UDLD on all fiber uplinks
udld aggressive
# Enable Rapid PVST+ and Loopguard
spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst
spanning-tree loopguard default
spanning-tree extend system-id
Macro name : cisco-desktop
Macro type : default interface
# macro keywords $access_vlan
# Basic interface - Enable data VLAN only
# Recommended value for access vlan should not be 1
switchport access vlan $access_vlan
switchport mode access
# Enable port security limiting port to a single
# MAC address -- that of desktop
switchport port-security
switchport port-security maximum 1
# Ensure port-security age is greater than one minute
# and use inactivity timer
switchport port-security violation restrict
switchport port-security aging time 2
switchport port-security aging type inactivity
# Configure port as an edge network port
spanning-tree portfast
spanning-tree bpduguard enable
Macro name : cisco-phone
Macro type : default interface
# Cisco IP phone + desktop template
# macro keywords $access_vlan $voice_vlan
# VoIP enabled interface - Enable data VLAN
# and voice VLAN
# Recommended value for access vlan should not be 1
switchport access vlan $access_vlan
switchport mode access
# Update the Voice VLAN value which should be
# different from data VLAN
# Recommended value for voice vlan should not be 1
switchport voice vlan $voice_vlan
# Enable port security limiting port to a 2 MAC
# addressess -- One for desktop on data vlan and
# one for phone on voice vlan
switchport port-security
switchport port-security maximum 2
# Ensure port-security age is greater than one minute
# and use inactivity timer
switchport port-security violation restrict
switchport port-security aging time 2
switchport port-security aging type inactivity
# Enable auto-qos to extend trust to attached Cisco phone
auto qos voip cisco-phone
# Configure port as an edge network port
spanning-tree portfast
spanning-tree bpduguard enable
Macro name : cisco-switch
Macro type : default interface
# macro keywords $native_vlan
# Access Uplink to Distribution
# Do not apply to EtherChannel/Port Group
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
# Define unique Native VLAN on trunk ports
# Recommended value for native vlan should not be 1
switchport trunk native vlan $native_vlan
# Update the allowed VLAN range such that it
# includes data, voice and native VLANs
switchport trunk allowed vlan ALL
# Hardcode trunk
switchport mode trunk
# Configure qos to trust this interface
auto qos voip trust
# 802.1w defines the link as pt-pt for rapid convergence
spanning-tree link-type point-to-point
Macro name : cisco-router
Macro type : default interface
# macro keywords $native_vlan
# Access Uplink to Distribution
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
# Define unique Native VLAN on trunk ports
# Recommended value for native vlan should not be 1
switchport trunk native vlan $native_vlan
# Update the allowed VLAN range such that it
# includes data, voice and native VLANs
switchport trunk allowed vlan ALL
# Hardcode trunk
switchport mode trunk
# Configure qos to trust this interface
auto qos voip trust
mls qos trust dscp
# Ensure fast access to the network when enabling the interface.
# Ensure that switch devices cannot become active on the interface.
spanning-tree portfast trunk
spanning-tree bpduguard enable
Macro name : cisco-wireless
Macro type : default interface
# macro keywords $native_vlan
# Access Uplink to Distribution
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
# Define unique Native VLAN on trunk ports
# Recommended native vlan should NOT be 1
switchport trunk native vlan $native_vlan
# Update the allowed VLAN range such that it
# includes data, voice and native VLANs
switchport trunk allowed vlan ALL
# Hardcode trunk and disable negotiation to speed up convergence
switchport mode trunk
switchport nonegotiate
# Configure qos to trust this interface
auto qos voip trust
mls qos trust cos
# Ensure that switch devices cannot become active on the interface.
spanning-tree bpduguard enable
Macro name : VLAN_146
Macro type : customizable
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 146
spanning-tree bpdufilter enable

To be honest I never used them like this, but they were a pretty good starting point to customize new smartport macros.

If you are rather interested in the Cisco switch interface macro command, I did write a post on this topic some years ago and you can read it here.

INE released GNS3 config for v5 topology

A few days ago one friend on mine announced me that InternetworkExpert released a GNS3 configuration for their v5 topology.

When I had check INE’s website, I could not found the link to GNS3 topology. To be honest I was expecting INE to announce with big letters this new development, but I was quite silent (or I’m not reading carefully enough their website).

To fin GNS3 configuration, there is a small catch. You have to go to INE resources webpage, and from there to Dynamips (there is no GNS3 link). If you ever used the INE’s Dynamips config, that this page is familiar for you. Somewhere in the middle there is a link with “Click here to download the INE Topologies for Dynagen“. You download this archive file and inside you’ll find among other configuration a file called

INE V5 GNS3 topology config

This is the file which you are looking for. Of course you need to edit and adapt it to your local configuration (IOS, path location…).  What is different from Dynamips file? Almost nothing, but you have a graphical view of the topology and if you put your mouse over a link, you’ll see where is the connection pointing too. It can help you spare some time in the configuration, but there is a drawback. Don’t get used too much with this feature, as in the CCIE lab exam you don’t have where to point your mouse to show the connection and you have to figure it by your own from the paper (or lately computer screen).

If you don’t want to follow the steps above, then:

Download the INE’s v5 topology GNS3 configuration