New Ubuntu 18.04 Docker image – Python For Network Engineers

About one year ago I’ve created the Ubuntu 16.04 PFNE Docker image. It’s time for a new version of the Ubuntu PFNE Docker image to support Network engineers learn Python and test automation.

Recently, Ubuntu announced that on the Ubuntu Docker Hub the 18.04 LTS version is using the minimal image.

With this change when launching a Docker instance using

$ docker run ubuntu:18.04

you’ll have an instance with the latest Minimal Ubuntu.

While this is great, especially if you need to quickly pull an image, the fact stays that it doesn’t have preinstalled the necessary tools to test network automation, learn Python or run some QoS tests using packages like IPerf.

Based on My previous Ubuntu 16.04 PFNE Docker image, I’ve created the same using the new Ubuntu 18.04 LTS minimal image.

It contains all the tools found in Ubuntu 16.04 PFNE:

  • Openssl
  • Net-tools (ifconfig..)
  • IPutils (ping, arping, traceroute…)
  • IProute
  • IPerf
  • TCPDump
  • NMAP
  • Python 2
  • Python 3
  • Paramiko (python ssh support)
  • Netmiko (python ssh support)
  • Ansible (automation)
  • Pyntc

and two new additions:

  • Netcat
  • Socat

I’ve added these two because some blog followers asked me, after reading the Ubuntu image for eve-ng – Python For Network Engineers post, if I can add to image servers installation like web, ftp, etc.

Personally, I don’t think is needed to burden the image with these extra packages. You can have tools like Netcat testing various servers. This is one of the reasons I’ve added Netcat and Socat.

It’s easy for me to add them to this image or future ones (and I’ll do it if I get more requests), however I’m planning some articles on how to do your own Docker images and add whatever packages you need.

While writing this post, time to push it to Docker Hub :)
Docker push

If you want to test the new Ubuntu 18.04 PFNE Docker image, please pull it from Docker Hub:

$ docker pull yotis/ubuntu1804-pfne

To start it use:

$ docker run -i -t yotis/ubuntu1804-pfne /bin/bash

Let me know if you find this useful, happy testing and most important Never Stop Learning!