Formerly known as PFNE – Python For Network Engineer, the images developed to be more than just for Python learning. My choice was to call the new one more generic and pick the Linux For Network Engineers (LFNE)
Linux images build with all tools need by network engineers to perform various tasks ranging from simple python script to automation and testing.
Below is the list of installed applications on LFNE images. Pull one and start experimenting.
I’m using two main distributions to build these images – Ubuntu and AlmaLinux – pick your favorite flavor. I picked AlmaLinux as is the closest distribution to now (almost) defunct Centos.
LFNE based on Ubuntu 22.04
Pull the image:
docker pull yotis/lfne:ubuntu-22.04
Use the image:
docker run -i -t yotis/lfne:ubuntu-22.04 /bin/bash
If used with Portainer don’t forget to activate the option for Console : Interactive & TTY
LFNE based on AlmaLinux 9.2
Pull the image:
docker pull yotis/lfne:almalinux-9.2
Use the image:
docker run -i -t yotis/lfne:almalinux-9.2 /bin/bash
If used with Portainer don’t forget to activate the option for Console : Interactive & TTY
Some of the installed packages:
Net-tools (ifconfig…)
IPutils (ping, arping, traceroute…)
Host (DNS lookup tool)
Mtr (traceroute tool)
Telnet / SSH client
IPerf (traffic generator)
Python 2 (only on Ubuntu variant)
Python 3
Openssh Server
To use remote ssh connection to container
- Enable it with “service ssh start”
- Expose the desired port for the container (tcp/22 default)