I don’t know how many of my blog visitors had the curiosity to visit the About section to read something about me. If some of you did read that section, then you already know that I have several certifications from Cisco and other vendors and I’m on my way to CCIE. A long road with a slow progress due to my busy professional life.
These being said, I want to announce a new section of my blog called “Certification”. In this section I will discuss only about certifications and related topics like training providers, exam scenarios and tasks, recommended approach and so on. I will try to help engineers on the same path as me and, why not, ask for help when I have a blocking point.
I have some years of network engineering field experience, I attended some exams and for a while I’m preparing for the CCIE R&S exam, so I think I can do a good job in this section. Compared to other sections the technical parts discussed here will be more oriented to exams, and not real networking challenges.
I hope my experience together with your contribution with comments and suggestions to make this section interesting.
Last words. If you hope to find here braindumps or materials that violate the NDA (no matter if is Cisco or other vendor), then you are in the wrong place.