Cisco IOS: single user access in CLI configuration terminal

Usually big companies with large network have a dedicated department which deals with all the network configuration.  The problem that I have in mind is when this department is splitted over large geographical areas (e.g. some colleagues in Europe, some in Asia and some in America) it may happen that more than one colleague is working on the same device at the time.

This can cause overlapping configuration or other problems, due to the fact that more than one config is applied at the time causing conflicts.

There is one simple solution to avoid this problem by enabling single-user (exclusive) access functionality for the Cisco IOS command-line interface (CLI). Configuration of this feature is very simple:

1. enable

2. configure terminal

3. configuration mode exclusive {auto | manual}

4. end

As you can see mode exclusive has two options  auto or manual:

  • The auto keyword automatically locks the configuration session whenever the configure terminal command is used. This is the default.
  • The manual keyword allows you to choose to lock the configuration session manually or leave it unlocked.

I would recommend using the default auto mode, but if for some reason you need manual mode, then you need to perform some additional tasks:

1. enable

2. configure terminal lock

3. Configure the system by entering your changes to the running configuration.

4. end

The manual method allow you to be able to lock the configuration mode only when you really need it to be lock. Compared to this, the auto mode, is locking the configuration all the time, so it’s considered more safe.

When you are in configuration mode excluside (no matter if auto or manual), you are configuring something through CLI and another user connected to that device is issuing the configuration terminal command, the following message will be displayed:

Configuration mode locked exclusively by user ‘unknown’ process ’88’ from terminal ‘0’. Please try later.Rollback confirmed change timer is cancelled due to configuration lock error.

This is just an example. In your case the user, process or terminal may be different. The message is useful as the second user trying to configure the device knows what’s going on and the engineer is not left in the fog without any clue.